Posts on Freemasonry and degrees
I am an Illuminated initiate
With all due respect to Freemasonry. We go through initiation for real. Not symbolically
Some Freemasons know of us. Others do not
If you wish to believe that the origins of the Freemason degree systems and its teachings are based on the Bible, that is fine
It just means that you are also saying that Freemasonry has no true link to any of the ancient mystery schools which came before the Bible
You are castrating your own claim to legitimacy
There were "degrees" and associated allegorical teachings taught in the ancient mystery schools of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Norse, Greek and even the Romans. Most of which were long before the Bible
In fact, the Bible was likely written from these teachings
I'll explain why it is impossible for the degree system and its teachings to be based on the Bible
Which should also answer your question as to why the Catholic Church takes exception to Freemasonry
Firstly, (I'll try keep this simple and concise)
This means:
It is impossible for the meaning of ancient numerical, or enumerating systems, to be based on any written book, let alone the Bible, when the letters needed to write it, had yet to be invented
I can go way deeper into the alignment of the degrees to manifested physical reality, if you do not understand what they are and what they mean beyond perception
But I'll use the Bible itself to illustrated the point simply
BOOK OF NUMBERS, comes before BOOK OF WORDS (Deuteronomy)
The system of LETTERS AND WORDS, are based on NUMBERS
The system of NUMBERS, are not based on LETTERS/WORDS
I am not sure if the reason for this is taught in Freemasonry, but it is one of the most important things taught to Illuminated initiates
WORDS ARE DECAY ("Mach-benak" or "decay-apparently")
The reason that numbers are considered creation, is that numbers are an infallible and precise system of position and direction. One which is seemingly endless, growing only larger and exponentially more complex with each increment
Much like the universe
The reason that words are considered decay, is because they are limited character set, designed to allow conveyance or communication within algorithm, that is quick and easily accessible. But is also open to interpretation, misinterpretation, corruption, exploitation and the other type of elements you will find in a limited decaying system
Whoever designed the Freemason degree system, understood the principles of the primary sequence (Numbers) which is taught to Illuminated initiates
I did not look into the Freemason degrees until well after I understood the Illuminated primary sequence
And when I did, I realised it was based on the exact same system
The only difference, is that the Freemasons do not seem to know the original, simplified meaning of the symbols and sequence, as it applies to things such as the manifestation of physical matter
Nor the phonetic "utterances" which are gateways/keys to the application of deeper meaning within the primary sequence
Also, as Illuminated initiates, we are forced to work out the meaning of the symbols we use for numbers ourselves
I went through hundreds of revisions of meaning, over many years, before I got it right
The Freemason degrees are far less precise in meaning. Similar to one of my earlier drafts
Again, I can go into great detail, correlating the root meaning of the number symbols and their systems, linking them with things like biology, geometry, astronomy, geography, and every form of religion and mythology if you like
Now, as for your original question,
Look at the tablet of Shamash below, which is said to tell of Nabu-apla-iddina's re-endowment of the Sun Temple at Sippar (Solomon)
In this relief, the man on the throne, with waves of "water" drawn on his dress, is an "Initiate". Initiate literally meaning, one who has gone into (or "entered" self)
Sumerians used water ripples on the dressage, or depictions of water and fish flowing inwards towards the person, to symbolise "the underworld". The internalised human form
Those who traversed the underworld, were/are considered "initiates"
The counter to this, are those who are considered "Ascended", who were depicted as bird people, or people with wings. Usually holding a seed of their knowledge, and carrying a bucket of water, symbolising them being one who has passed through initiation, who carries the knowledge with them
In this relief, you will see 3 men standing facing the man on the throne. These 3 men, are the same as the first three degrees of perception in Illumination
As well as the first 3 degrees in Freemasonry, and every other mystery school throughout history
The one at the back, who also has water on his clothing, is the "entered initiate"
The man in the sky shining light down upon the alter, is the same man as the one sitting on the alter. Who in turn, is the same man as all 3 of the "aspects of self" who appear before him at the alter
It explains phased reality. Where the planet is your external body
I can go into great detail on this too, aligning the trinity of every belief system and mythology, to the primary sequence
But basically, "NUMBERS" are the universal religion, which is supposed to be coming
Because they are infallible, undeniable, and they align with literally everything
How far into esoteric Freemasonry have you gone?
Do you understand that the temple of Solomon is your physical body yet?
Or that the Ark of the Covenant is your heart, in your chest? (hence it being stored in the temple of Solomon, the body)
Do you understand that when you look up in the sky at the sun, you are looking at your own mind?
Or when you look up at night at the moon, you are looking down into your body, from inside your own head, at the tip of your spine?
Or let me ask you a simple one that any initiate should know:
At which degree does the origin of position and direction shift from the first-person or individual, to the second person or individual (as mirror)?
The reason I am asking if you know these things, is because you speak down to me, and other people, asking "How long have we been Masons", as if you know everything there is to know, and we know nothing
While at the same time, you pose questions that show you actually know very little, let alone understand anything
Because if you knew (and understood in some way) some of these types of esoteric "secrets", which are known to many within Freemasonry, you would not be at all surprised that the Catholic Church takes exception towards them
The Cult of Demeter, basically, describes what is found within the
Freemason symbol. As well as the symbols for most other religions
Kore - Core/Nucleus
Hades - Radius/Oculus
Demeter - Diameter/Dimension
The center/Kore, gives to Radius/Hades, to carry inwards (descent), after which balance is restored through equalisation of pressure, to the diameter/Demeter, within dimension/Demeter (diameter, or dimension, depending on whether you are looking at it from internal or external perspective)
This balance, returns the centre/kore, as "Persephone", which means "Perception"
Within the lesser mysteries, you are forced into what is often described in mythology as "the underworld". Which essentially means, your internal physical body, such as your organs. As well as the inside of anything which is solid and cannot be seen "into" in this world
The point of the internal journey, was to close the divide between the external expanse, and internal constraints of your physical form. To bring alignment of your conscious mind, with the higher dimensional forms of consciousness
Basically, when you look into space, at the "dark matter", you are seeing a invisible form of flesh, which mirrors that which cannot be seen "within you"
One is the invisible “within you”. The other is invisible “outside you”
You can bridge these two, at least in your ability to understand and align to them, by entering into your physical form dimensionally
This is what I mean by going through initiation "for real"
Within Illumination, you pass into the underworld though experiencing a real, physical death. After which you are revived, or “resurrected”
Within Illuminated initiation, it is said that only those who give themselves to die physically in this process for the right reasons (such as love or the greater good) will be able to be successfully revived
If you give yourself to die like this for the wrong reasons (such as personal wants or needs, power, greed, or merely curiousity) it is said you will not be able to be revived and will die
A real physical death
The idea of this, is that the process cannot be exploited or faked. Nor can it be undertaken by those who are not considered worthy of the alignments which are offered within
When the mind leaves the body during this process, it goes through a type of pole-shift. Where consciousness (meaning Earth conscious) is reversed and superimposed against your physical form (meaning body of your personal conscious)
At the same time as the individuals conscious mind, is reversed and superimposed against the Earth
It is a very long and painful process, which takes around 12 years, during which the conscious forms are torn back across each other dimensionally, seeking to realign with the world, and body, they originated from
Within doing so, the individual is aligned to the Earth, and the Earth is aligned to the individual
Both are re-wired and fundamentally altered, to adapt to and accept each other
When I say “we go through initiation for real”, I mean, we really die. We really face all our deepest, darkest fears, and most repressed demons, emotions and pain
Being torn across all dimensions of existence, is a horrifically painful experience
It is very literally like descending into hell, to slowly, gradually, return over many years
Those that traverse the underworld, become like Odin. With one eye closed in the underworld. One eye opened in the waking world
We walk this world, but we are like the living dead. People rarely see us, or notice those in the underworld. We are for the most part, invisible to most people
People we interact with, will forget things we have said to them, seconds after we have told them. They forget entire interactions or meetings
As if we are actively erased from their memory
It is like existing in a different version of this world by yourself, to the version that everyone else exists within. One which is aligned to theirs, by only the barest and simplest of connections that you need to exist and survive
If you try to push beyond this connection, seeking something more, it has very negative contrary consequences
The more you push to reconnect with the world, the more the world will push back to cut you off and isolate you
Something which teaches you, over the years, how to influence the world, without hurting it, yourself, or other people around you
A very fine line to walk sometimes
There is no deep connections, or bonds within this. Other than to the world itself, which is intimate to an extreme extent
You will very literally be stripped of everyone and everything you love
I will not go into details of this process, other than to say, you need to be willing to give up literally everyone and everything
Including, in my case, the love of my life, and my only son (who, interesting, was named “Joshua”)
Within this, those traversing the underworld are both isolated, but also protected, whilst they carry out their journey
You cannot inadvertently hurt, or kill someone, with your alignment to the world, if there is literally nobody left around you to hurt
To explain this is greater detail, is the part I said will end up taking up an entire book
There is an entire process within this, which would be horrifying to most people, just to read. Let alone physically go through
A process that is designed to make you give up, and seek the safety of being saved from the process by something like religion
Sentinels, that most people refer to as “demons”, protect the path. Which are incessant, unrelenting, deliberate and precise
Their purpose is to destroy you. Targeting the deepest pains and fears within you
The idea, is to make amends, atone, apologise, or do whatever you have to do, to make peace with every single thing you have ever done. Until they have nothing left they can hurt you with
I will not go into great detail
Other than to say, when I say you will lose everything, I mean everything. Again, the purpose of which, is to try destroy you
You will not know love, other than the simplest of kindness and beauties within this world, until you have completed your initiation, and have passed through a majority of the ascension process
Ascension, which comes with a form of unknown (and undiagnosable, or treatable) affliction, or sickness
One that will be suffered for many years, as the body seeks to equalise back to its “mastered” form. Meaning a peace and equilibrium, similar to that of when you were first born into this world
You will either succeed in ascension, and return to this world, with a light that very few people in this world ever know. A light that covers you in a a strange, warm, overwhelming feeling of peace, safety and love, that can be felt by not only you, but those around you
Or you will succumb to your affliction and die. To be considered what some would call “fallen”
I am currently undergoing affliction, a opposite process to my death, where I try to overcome and clear all physical blockage. I have been sick for more than 8 years now
I honestly do not think I will succeed in ascension. But I no longer care either way
I am as indifferent to waking up tomorrow, as I am to dying tonight
I currently sleep up to 20 hours a day, feeling like I desperately need
to rest and heal the pains in my body, especially below my ribs, in the
side of my chest (opposite to the heart)
As for our degrees?
Our "degrees", basically, are the same as those found in “degrees” or “arc” of any angle (archangel, very literally meaning “arc of angle”)
Within initiation, these are measured in units such as years. But are not limited to years. They apply to anything sequential or enumerated. As all such things are connected, from the source of creation
They apply in phase across any incremental system of existence
These degrees, as far as they are perceived by the initiate, are dimensional aspects of position and direction, which illustrate the alignment between the source of your (our) creation, and your physically manifested form
Each "degree" represents a very specific "layer" of your attachment to the world, as the source of that which is able to think
Even if you, as the source, are perceived as merely being a reflection of "God" as the true source, or creator. The system still works
Again, this goes back to perception such as Yaldabaoth/Sabaoth
Those who say there is no God, are no more or less correct that those that say there is
They are both right, and they are both wrong. All there is, in reality, is your ability to either align with the source of your creation, or see yourself divided from it
This is why numbers are used. They give an accurate and infallible pathway to the source. Regardless of whether you see that source as yourself, the sun, "God", the big bang, or anything else
Within the primary sequence (numbers) 1, 2, 3 represent "Un, to, the" (which are the "sacred utterances" for those numbers)
Look at the symbols for 1, 2, 3 and you will see that they represent core, radius, and diameter
The combined principle of which, is spoke as "Un, To, The". Notice the phonetic alignment to “One, Two, Three”? This is what makes them sacred. They align in meaning, symbol, phonetics, as well as much, much more that I could detail, but will not go into here
"Un, To, The" describes not only principles within all the trinities, but the manifestation of the individual conscious
Un to the, could be that of God casting forth
Un to the, could be the universe expanding from its inception
Un to the, could be your mind unfolding towards its focus
It does not matter what you believe in, numbers enumerate a process which is inherent throughout everything, and supersedes any arguments or considerations within things like personal belief, religion, or God
Which is why “numbers” will end up becoming the basis of a future universal understanding. Which aligns with all religion, science, spirituality, mythology and other beliefs
The full sequence from “Un, To, The” can be appled to the Nicene, or apostles creed
It can be aligned with literally everything!
The personal degrees (1st person) extend from 1 - 12
These 12 aspects of self reflect through various mythologies
The 12 labours of Hercules
The 12 Disciples
The 12 tones of a musical scale
13th degree, is the first degree which shifts to a secondary (mirror) individual or pespective
This can be another person outside of yourself, or a mirror perception of self
Likewise, they can be used as relation to an unseen or “negative” form of reflection/mirror, self, or self-perception, such as “God”
Degrees can be counted backwards from 13th, and align perfectly within every opposing degree, as mirrored aspects of existence and self
13 – 1
12 – 2
11 – 3
10 – 4
9 – 5
8 – 6
7 – 7
6 – 8
5 – 9
4 – 10
3 – 11
2 – 12
1 – 13
Within this, the degrees align with the elements and enumeration of science and physics, as well as mathematics. As with 7 (Nitrogen) becoming the bridge
I can go way further into this, and detail yet unknown principles of physics, but not in this thread
This is the reason why 13 is considered to be an "unlucky" number, as it represents a “negative” form of secondary or reflection, attached to self. A 2nd person perspective. Or someone else. Not the primary
13th denotes "Someone, or something else, rather than yourself. Or a negative, contrary form of self”
It can also be the polar opposite of self
Within such, is the basis of phased reality
The mirror context that is applied to the inwards mirror sequence, is also applied to the mirror sequence of 11-22 (with 23 being the start of the string for a non-possessive secondary, or 3rd person (as collective))
Every degree, or sequence of degrees which goes up, must also have an equal mirror string descending/ascending in the opposite direction, or a counter/negative, going down when you are going up
The initial sequence, continues:
These degrees, again, are relative within both linear sequence, as well as phased reflection. Degrees like 17 and 18, if applied to a second person, would also be said to hold the same meaning as 7 and 8 for the first person. If the perception of these degrees, originated from the first person
This phase, again, extends to the 3rd person, non-possessive, as well as collective (27 and 28)
Even though degrees like 17, 18, 27 and 28, also carry their own individual meanings
Self (1 – 12)
Dimensional relation (13 – 22)
Perception (23 – 32)
*Perception meaning the ability to reflect and understand, from the mirroring of self, and equalisation of cause-effect between self, and its reflection upon the world)
33rd seems to be any form of seat, or throne, upon which one forms equalisation from the source, to self (or the alignment of self) across all mediums
33, being seen as equal in negative/positive duality, to 0
At least, I am guessing that this is the purpose of the 33 degrees, because it fits and makes sense within the Illuminated understanding
Except that within our understanding, 0 only exist as the contrary “container” to seat the seemingly infinite nature of our number system, as its opposite
In my understanding 33 can only act as a gateway, of sorts, as the degrees within the 30's for the Illuminated, represent the gateway medium
The course of path from source of creation (North), across the centres of gravity
For instance, the 36th degree. Which means “gravity” and aligns to the pentagram symbol, which contains angles of 36 degrees within it
The pentagram as a symbol, represents gravity
30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
90 – 99: Expansion of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)
These numbers keep going, at least into the millions, as far as I can tell by the subsequent layers above the externalised body form (Earth)
Though, I have not seen much point in going into them that far
Everything beyond this is merely a macro/microcosm extension of the sequence from the primary individual
If you know the basic sequence, you know (basically) how it will work in all higher, or lower forms of that sequence
Hope this helps, and was not too long for this thread
Sorry if there are any mistakes in it, I have only given it a quick once-over revision. Typing this has been depleting the very little energy and motivation I have. It's taken me days
The best way to think of the number 3, is as being the barrier between internal/external, which acts as the point of balance and equilibrium
If 1, is the centre. And 2, is the outside. 3, would be the in between
So 33 works perfectly for any type of aligned gateway or conduit, such as a person to their online pseudonym
Also, incidentally. I messed up the list of degrees in my last post. Left out 80-89
It should have been:
30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
80 -- 89: Expansion of form
90 – 99: Definition of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)
With all due respect to Freemasonry. We go through initiation for real. Not symbolically
Some Freemasons know of us. Others do not
If you wish to believe that the origins of the Freemason degree systems and its teachings are based on the Bible, that is fine
It just means that you are also saying that Freemasonry has no true link to any of the ancient mystery schools which came before the Bible
You are castrating your own claim to legitimacy
There were "degrees" and associated allegorical teachings taught in the ancient mystery schools of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Norse, Greek and even the Romans. Most of which were long before the Bible
In fact, the Bible was likely written from these teachings
I'll explain why it is impossible for the degree system and its teachings to be based on the Bible
Which should also answer your question as to why the Catholic Church takes exception to Freemasonry
Firstly, (I'll try keep this simple and concise)
This means:
It is impossible for the meaning of ancient numerical, or enumerating systems, to be based on any written book, let alone the Bible, when the letters needed to write it, had yet to be invented
I can go way deeper into the alignment of the degrees to manifested physical reality, if you do not understand what they are and what they mean beyond perception
But I'll use the Bible itself to illustrated the point simply
BOOK OF NUMBERS, comes before BOOK OF WORDS (Deuteronomy)
The system of LETTERS AND WORDS, are based on NUMBERS
The system of NUMBERS, are not based on LETTERS/WORDS
I am not sure if the reason for this is taught in Freemasonry, but it is one of the most important things taught to Illuminated initiates
WORDS ARE DECAY ("Mach-benak" or "decay-apparently")
The reason that numbers are considered creation, is that numbers are an infallible and precise system of position and direction. One which is seemingly endless, growing only larger and exponentially more complex with each increment
Much like the universe
The reason that words are considered decay, is because they are limited character set, designed to allow conveyance or communication within algorithm, that is quick and easily accessible. But is also open to interpretation, misinterpretation, corruption, exploitation and the other type of elements you will find in a limited decaying system
Whoever designed the Freemason degree system, understood the principles of the primary sequence (Numbers) which is taught to Illuminated initiates
I did not look into the Freemason degrees until well after I understood the Illuminated primary sequence
And when I did, I realised it was based on the exact same system
The only difference, is that the Freemasons do not seem to know the original, simplified meaning of the symbols and sequence, as it applies to things such as the manifestation of physical matter
Nor the phonetic "utterances" which are gateways/keys to the application of deeper meaning within the primary sequence
Also, as Illuminated initiates, we are forced to work out the meaning of the symbols we use for numbers ourselves
I went through hundreds of revisions of meaning, over many years, before I got it right
The Freemason degrees are far less precise in meaning. Similar to one of my earlier drafts
Again, I can go into great detail, correlating the root meaning of the number symbols and their systems, linking them with things like biology, geometry, astronomy, geography, and every form of religion and mythology if you like
Now, as for your original question,
Look at the tablet of Shamash below, which is said to tell of Nabu-apla-iddina's re-endowment of the Sun Temple at Sippar (Solomon)

In this relief, the man on the throne, with waves of "water" drawn on his dress, is an "Initiate". Initiate literally meaning, one who has gone into (or "entered" self)
Sumerians used water ripples on the dressage, or depictions of water and fish flowing inwards towards the person, to symbolise "the underworld". The internalised human form
Those who traversed the underworld, were/are considered "initiates"
The counter to this, are those who are considered "Ascended", who were depicted as bird people, or people with wings. Usually holding a seed of their knowledge, and carrying a bucket of water, symbolising them being one who has passed through initiation, who carries the knowledge with them
In this relief, you will see 3 men standing facing the man on the throne. These 3 men, are the same as the first three degrees of perception in Illumination
As well as the first 3 degrees in Freemasonry, and every other mystery school throughout history
The one at the back, who also has water on his clothing, is the "entered initiate"
The man in the sky shining light down upon the alter, is the same man as the one sitting on the alter. Who in turn, is the same man as all 3 of the "aspects of self" who appear before him at the alter
It explains phased reality. Where the planet is your external body
I can go into great detail on this too, aligning the trinity of every belief system and mythology, to the primary sequence
But basically, "NUMBERS" are the universal religion, which is supposed to be coming
Because they are infallible, undeniable, and they align with literally everything
How far into esoteric Freemasonry have you gone?
Do you understand that the temple of Solomon is your physical body yet?
Or that the Ark of the Covenant is your heart, in your chest? (hence it being stored in the temple of Solomon, the body)
Do you understand that when you look up in the sky at the sun, you are looking at your own mind?
Or when you look up at night at the moon, you are looking down into your body, from inside your own head, at the tip of your spine?
Or let me ask you a simple one that any initiate should know:
At which degree does the origin of position and direction shift from the first-person or individual, to the second person or individual (as mirror)?
The reason I am asking if you know these things, is because you speak down to me, and other people, asking "How long have we been Masons", as if you know everything there is to know, and we know nothing
While at the same time, you pose questions that show you actually know very little, let alone understand anything
Because if you knew (and understood in some way) some of these types of esoteric "secrets", which are known to many within Freemasonry, you would not be at all surprised that the Catholic Church takes exception towards them
I realised in writing an answer up in great detail (that I was going to
post in another thread) that it would equate to writing a full book
So I've decided to compressed it into a brief, concise version, to post here in this thread
I hope network dude does not mind, as it is still within the natural progression of this thread
The symbol in my signature, is a symbol which represents the balancing of will and intent, to an equilibrium, or a meeting of forces
It is, in essence, similar to the Freemason square and compass, except the centre of gravity is aligned within the individual, rather than the sphere of influence they exist within, or govern (G)
It is similar to the "Sabaoth" governing the star at the centre of a Hebrew logos, which defines any form of sympathetic system
Sabaoth - Sympathy
Yaldabaoth - Empathy
If you look at the sun, planet and your body, and see 3 individual centres of gravity, this is Yaldabaoth/Empathy. A system of individual feeling, given through a shared path of centre
If you look at the sun, planet and your body, and see 1 centre of gravity existing in 3 forms of phase, with/to itself, this is Sabaoth/Sympathy. A system of individual feeling, given as/of/with source and course of path
This may seem backwards. But it is because Yaldabaoth/Empathy, as a system, allows the sun, world, and all the people around you to remain uninfluenced individuals, as you yourself, retain your own individuality. A pure form of empathy
Whereas Sabaoth/Sympathy, as a system, means that you need balance your own intent, will, actions and ability to influence those around you, in order to allow them to remain free-thinking individuals, whilst you align yourself across all forms of centre, to the source (of creation)
Sabaoth is a much harder path, because you become responsible for your ability to influence the world around you, be it intentional or non-intentional
For example, if you lose your temper and push against the system, you will find that people, animals, plants (life) around you are inadvertently hurt, or even killed
Even the atmosphere of the Earth around you, can react violently, to slips in self-control over your conscious alignment
Aligning to the Sabaoth is by far the most powerful and hardest path of initiation, because it links into the fires of creation itself, as your source. But it also has the ability to burn those who try to align with it, if they possess a heart that is full of fear
Which is why most will never try pass through the fires of Illumination. It is a path that can (will) very literally kill you, if you seek it for the wrong reasons
As it can (will) also hurt or kill those around you who may seek to unjustly do you some type of harm, or conspire against you. Such people routinely end up severely injured or killed, usually in some type of horrible accident
As if the immune system of the Earth itself has identified them as some type of infection, and reacted to protect you
Such dangers, are a reason that the majority of people settle for the Yaldabaoth, offered with minimum responsibility (and the freedom to simply exist) within things such as religion (salvation). A course to the creative source, where you submit to judgement, and in doing so remain responsible only for your own place in the world
Sabaoth are those who “save themselves” so to speak. Going through a (initiation) purge process of catharsis (mind), purification (heart) and cleansing (body)
Within this process, they pay for, atone, or make amends, for all their own sins and wrongdoings
This undestanding aligns with Aleister Crowley saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
With "whole of the law" referring to the course and path of creation, which passes through all the centres of gravity (as within a logos). From the centre of the sun, to the centre of the planet, to the centre of the body as physical form and conscious conduit
To place your individual action and will (Do as thou wilt) throughout the course of all these centres, as if they were the one form in-phase (shall be the whole of the law)
From my own experiences and my limited reading of Aleister Crowley, I would guess that he was someone who knew how to manipulate some form of understanding similar to this, though it was not quite the same
He seemed more interested in the simple fruits achievable within manipulation of the alignment (hence the flower on his symbol, I would guess). Rather than exploring the depths to which an alignment can be achieved, without destroying yourself, or the world around you and those within it
With the degrees? We follow a process similar to what was used within the Eleusinian mysteries. I am told that the format has been much the same throughout history, within the mystery schools of those such as the Sumerian, Norse, Egyptians, Roman/Mitraic, Zoroastrian, etc
It is simply easiest to describe using the Eleusinian mysteries, as they are the most accurate version which still exists in record today. Though they themselves are largely misunderstood
Within Illumination, we go through the exact original processes described in the Eleusinian mysteries, as well as others, such as the Egyptian rites
There are two stages:
Initiation - Meaning "To go into"
Ascension - Meaning "To go out from"
In Eleusinian, these are the "Lesser" and "Greater" mysteries
Many versions of initiation which exist today, which forsake the legitimate underworld process, have combined these into one system, where the process of ascension, is undertaken as what is known as initiation. Without ever having actually been through a real form of initiaton
To simplify the principles of these two processes into modern scientific basis, they would be "Biology" and "Geometry”
Biology – Alignment of internal manifestation, such as within your cells
Geometry – Alignment of external manifestation, such as within your dimensions
All the ancient mystery schools, at their core, are mathematically based
So I've decided to compressed it into a brief, concise version, to post here in this thread
I hope network dude does not mind, as it is still within the natural progression of this thread
The symbol in my signature, is a symbol which represents the balancing of will and intent, to an equilibrium, or a meeting of forces
It is, in essence, similar to the Freemason square and compass, except the centre of gravity is aligned within the individual, rather than the sphere of influence they exist within, or govern (G)
It is similar to the "Sabaoth" governing the star at the centre of a Hebrew logos, which defines any form of sympathetic system
Sabaoth - Sympathy
Yaldabaoth - Empathy
If you look at the sun, planet and your body, and see 3 individual centres of gravity, this is Yaldabaoth/Empathy. A system of individual feeling, given through a shared path of centre
If you look at the sun, planet and your body, and see 1 centre of gravity existing in 3 forms of phase, with/to itself, this is Sabaoth/Sympathy. A system of individual feeling, given as/of/with source and course of path
This may seem backwards. But it is because Yaldabaoth/Empathy, as a system, allows the sun, world, and all the people around you to remain uninfluenced individuals, as you yourself, retain your own individuality. A pure form of empathy
Whereas Sabaoth/Sympathy, as a system, means that you need balance your own intent, will, actions and ability to influence those around you, in order to allow them to remain free-thinking individuals, whilst you align yourself across all forms of centre, to the source (of creation)
Sabaoth is a much harder path, because you become responsible for your ability to influence the world around you, be it intentional or non-intentional
For example, if you lose your temper and push against the system, you will find that people, animals, plants (life) around you are inadvertently hurt, or even killed
Even the atmosphere of the Earth around you, can react violently, to slips in self-control over your conscious alignment
Aligning to the Sabaoth is by far the most powerful and hardest path of initiation, because it links into the fires of creation itself, as your source. But it also has the ability to burn those who try to align with it, if they possess a heart that is full of fear
Which is why most will never try pass through the fires of Illumination. It is a path that can (will) very literally kill you, if you seek it for the wrong reasons
As it can (will) also hurt or kill those around you who may seek to unjustly do you some type of harm, or conspire against you. Such people routinely end up severely injured or killed, usually in some type of horrible accident
As if the immune system of the Earth itself has identified them as some type of infection, and reacted to protect you
Such dangers, are a reason that the majority of people settle for the Yaldabaoth, offered with minimum responsibility (and the freedom to simply exist) within things such as religion (salvation). A course to the creative source, where you submit to judgement, and in doing so remain responsible only for your own place in the world
Sabaoth are those who “save themselves” so to speak. Going through a (initiation) purge process of catharsis (mind), purification (heart) and cleansing (body)
Within this process, they pay for, atone, or make amends, for all their own sins and wrongdoings
This undestanding aligns with Aleister Crowley saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
With "whole of the law" referring to the course and path of creation, which passes through all the centres of gravity (as within a logos). From the centre of the sun, to the centre of the planet, to the centre of the body as physical form and conscious conduit
To place your individual action and will (Do as thou wilt) throughout the course of all these centres, as if they were the one form in-phase (shall be the whole of the law)
From my own experiences and my limited reading of Aleister Crowley, I would guess that he was someone who knew how to manipulate some form of understanding similar to this, though it was not quite the same
He seemed more interested in the simple fruits achievable within manipulation of the alignment (hence the flower on his symbol, I would guess). Rather than exploring the depths to which an alignment can be achieved, without destroying yourself, or the world around you and those within it
With the degrees? We follow a process similar to what was used within the Eleusinian mysteries. I am told that the format has been much the same throughout history, within the mystery schools of those such as the Sumerian, Norse, Egyptians, Roman/Mitraic, Zoroastrian, etc
It is simply easiest to describe using the Eleusinian mysteries, as they are the most accurate version which still exists in record today. Though they themselves are largely misunderstood
Within Illumination, we go through the exact original processes described in the Eleusinian mysteries, as well as others, such as the Egyptian rites
There are two stages:
Initiation - Meaning "To go into"
Ascension - Meaning "To go out from"
In Eleusinian, these are the "Lesser" and "Greater" mysteries
Many versions of initiation which exist today, which forsake the legitimate underworld process, have combined these into one system, where the process of ascension, is undertaken as what is known as initiation. Without ever having actually been through a real form of initiaton
To simplify the principles of these two processes into modern scientific basis, they would be "Biology" and "Geometry”
Biology – Alignment of internal manifestation, such as within your cells
Geometry – Alignment of external manifestation, such as within your dimensions
All the ancient mystery schools, at their core, are mathematically based
Kore - Core/Nucleus
Hades - Radius/Oculus
Demeter - Diameter/Dimension

The center/Kore, gives to Radius/Hades, to carry inwards (descent), after which balance is restored through equalisation of pressure, to the diameter/Demeter, within dimension/Demeter (diameter, or dimension, depending on whether you are looking at it from internal or external perspective)
This balance, returns the centre/kore, as "Persephone", which means "Perception"
Within the lesser mysteries, you are forced into what is often described in mythology as "the underworld". Which essentially means, your internal physical body, such as your organs. As well as the inside of anything which is solid and cannot be seen "into" in this world
The point of the internal journey, was to close the divide between the external expanse, and internal constraints of your physical form. To bring alignment of your conscious mind, with the higher dimensional forms of consciousness
Basically, when you look into space, at the "dark matter", you are seeing a invisible form of flesh, which mirrors that which cannot be seen "within you"
One is the invisible “within you”. The other is invisible “outside you”
You can bridge these two, at least in your ability to understand and align to them, by entering into your physical form dimensionally
This is what I mean by going through initiation "for real"
Within Illumination, you pass into the underworld though experiencing a real, physical death. After which you are revived, or “resurrected”
Within Illuminated initiation, it is said that only those who give themselves to die physically in this process for the right reasons (such as love or the greater good) will be able to be successfully revived
If you give yourself to die like this for the wrong reasons (such as personal wants or needs, power, greed, or merely curiousity) it is said you will not be able to be revived and will die
A real physical death
The idea of this, is that the process cannot be exploited or faked. Nor can it be undertaken by those who are not considered worthy of the alignments which are offered within
When the mind leaves the body during this process, it goes through a type of pole-shift. Where consciousness (meaning Earth conscious) is reversed and superimposed against your physical form (meaning body of your personal conscious)
At the same time as the individuals conscious mind, is reversed and superimposed against the Earth
It is a very long and painful process, which takes around 12 years, during which the conscious forms are torn back across each other dimensionally, seeking to realign with the world, and body, they originated from
Within doing so, the individual is aligned to the Earth, and the Earth is aligned to the individual
Both are re-wired and fundamentally altered, to adapt to and accept each other
When I say “we go through initiation for real”, I mean, we really die. We really face all our deepest, darkest fears, and most repressed demons, emotions and pain
Being torn across all dimensions of existence, is a horrifically painful experience
It is very literally like descending into hell, to slowly, gradually, return over many years
Those that traverse the underworld, become like Odin. With one eye closed in the underworld. One eye opened in the waking world
We walk this world, but we are like the living dead. People rarely see us, or notice those in the underworld. We are for the most part, invisible to most people
People we interact with, will forget things we have said to them, seconds after we have told them. They forget entire interactions or meetings
As if we are actively erased from their memory
It is like existing in a different version of this world by yourself, to the version that everyone else exists within. One which is aligned to theirs, by only the barest and simplest of connections that you need to exist and survive
If you try to push beyond this connection, seeking something more, it has very negative contrary consequences
The more you push to reconnect with the world, the more the world will push back to cut you off and isolate you
Something which teaches you, over the years, how to influence the world, without hurting it, yourself, or other people around you
A very fine line to walk sometimes
There is no deep connections, or bonds within this. Other than to the world itself, which is intimate to an extreme extent
You will very literally be stripped of everyone and everything you love
I will not go into details of this process, other than to say, you need to be willing to give up literally everyone and everything
Including, in my case, the love of my life, and my only son (who, interesting, was named “Joshua”)
Within this, those traversing the underworld are both isolated, but also protected, whilst they carry out their journey
You cannot inadvertently hurt, or kill someone, with your alignment to the world, if there is literally nobody left around you to hurt
To explain this is greater detail, is the part I said will end up taking up an entire book
There is an entire process within this, which would be horrifying to most people, just to read. Let alone physically go through
A process that is designed to make you give up, and seek the safety of being saved from the process by something like religion
Sentinels, that most people refer to as “demons”, protect the path. Which are incessant, unrelenting, deliberate and precise
Their purpose is to destroy you. Targeting the deepest pains and fears within you
The idea, is to make amends, atone, apologise, or do whatever you have to do, to make peace with every single thing you have ever done. Until they have nothing left they can hurt you with
I will not go into great detail
Other than to say, when I say you will lose everything, I mean everything. Again, the purpose of which, is to try destroy you
You will not know love, other than the simplest of kindness and beauties within this world, until you have completed your initiation, and have passed through a majority of the ascension process
Ascension, which comes with a form of unknown (and undiagnosable, or treatable) affliction, or sickness
One that will be suffered for many years, as the body seeks to equalise back to its “mastered” form. Meaning a peace and equilibrium, similar to that of when you were first born into this world
You will either succeed in ascension, and return to this world, with a light that very few people in this world ever know. A light that covers you in a a strange, warm, overwhelming feeling of peace, safety and love, that can be felt by not only you, but those around you
Or you will succumb to your affliction and die. To be considered what some would call “fallen”
I am currently undergoing affliction, a opposite process to my death, where I try to overcome and clear all physical blockage. I have been sick for more than 8 years now
I honestly do not think I will succeed in ascension. But I no longer care either way
I am as indifferent to waking up tomorrow, as I am to dying tonight
It feels far more likely to me that I will die soon, than complete the
ascension process. As I get weaker, less interested, and less in love
with this
world every day
As for our degrees?
Our "degrees", basically, are the same as those found in “degrees” or “arc” of any angle (archangel, very literally meaning “arc of angle”)
Within initiation, these are measured in units such as years. But are not limited to years. They apply to anything sequential or enumerated. As all such things are connected, from the source of creation
They apply in phase across any incremental system of existence
These degrees, as far as they are perceived by the initiate, are dimensional aspects of position and direction, which illustrate the alignment between the source of your (our) creation, and your physically manifested form
Each "degree" represents a very specific "layer" of your attachment to the world, as the source of that which is able to think
Even if you, as the source, are perceived as merely being a reflection of "God" as the true source, or creator. The system still works
Again, this goes back to perception such as Yaldabaoth/Sabaoth
Those who say there is no God, are no more or less correct that those that say there is
They are both right, and they are both wrong. All there is, in reality, is your ability to either align with the source of your creation, or see yourself divided from it
This is why numbers are used. They give an accurate and infallible pathway to the source. Regardless of whether you see that source as yourself, the sun, "God", the big bang, or anything else
Within the primary sequence (numbers) 1, 2, 3 represent "Un, to, the" (which are the "sacred utterances" for those numbers)
Look at the symbols for 1, 2, 3 and you will see that they represent core, radius, and diameter
The combined principle of which, is spoke as "Un, To, The". Notice the phonetic alignment to “One, Two, Three”? This is what makes them sacred. They align in meaning, symbol, phonetics, as well as much, much more that I could detail, but will not go into here
"Un, To, The" describes not only principles within all the trinities, but the manifestation of the individual conscious
Un to the, could be that of God casting forth
Un to the, could be the universe expanding from its inception
Un to the, could be your mind unfolding towards its focus
It does not matter what you believe in, numbers enumerate a process which is inherent throughout everything, and supersedes any arguments or considerations within things like personal belief, religion, or God
Which is why “numbers” will end up becoming the basis of a future universal understanding. Which aligns with all religion, science, spirituality, mythology and other beliefs
The full sequence from “Un, To, The” can be appled to the Nicene, or apostles creed
It can be aligned with literally everything!
The personal degrees (1st person) extend from 1 - 12
1, 2, 3
Are conscious perception, within, self (1), to reflection (2), to equalisation of a sphere/torus (3). Core, radius and diameter
Or “Kore, Hades and Demeter” in the Eleusinian mysteries
Or “Entered Initiate, Fellowcraft, Master Mason” for Freemasons
Or “Mind, Heart, Gut/Body” for the Rosicrucian
Or “Father, Son, Holy spirit” for the Christian. Jesus with the sphere around his head, touching his heart?
As well as the Om symbol. And all other religious symbols
4 and 5
Are balance of internal and external forces (such as the world around you)
Nominum position (coming from)
7 is designation of the physical
8 is designation of fluid, or variable
Nominum position (going to)
10, 11, 12
Nominum (of, with, within)
These 12 aspects of self reflect through various mythologies
The 12 labours of Hercules
The 12 Disciples
The 12 tones of a musical scale
13th degree, is the first degree which shifts to a secondary (mirror) individual or pespective
This can be another person outside of yourself, or a mirror perception of self
Likewise, they can be used as relation to an unseen or “negative” form of reflection/mirror, self, or self-perception, such as “God”
Degrees can be counted backwards from 13th, and align perfectly within every opposing degree, as mirrored aspects of existence and self
13 – 1
12 – 2
11 – 3
10 – 4
9 – 5
8 – 6
7 – 7
6 – 8
5 – 9
4 – 10
3 – 11
2 – 12
1 – 13
Within this, the degrees align with the elements and enumeration of science and physics, as well as mathematics. As with 7 (Nitrogen) becoming the bridge
I can go way further into this, and detail yet unknown principles of physics, but not in this thread
This is the reason why 13 is considered to be an "unlucky" number, as it represents a “negative” form of secondary or reflection, attached to self. A 2nd person perspective. Or someone else. Not the primary
13th denotes "Someone, or something else, rather than yourself. Or a negative, contrary form of self”
It can also be the polar opposite of self
Within such, is the basis of phased reality
The mirror context that is applied to the inwards mirror sequence, is also applied to the mirror sequence of 11-22 (with 23 being the start of the string for a non-possessive secondary, or 3rd person (as collective))
Every degree, or sequence of degrees which goes up, must also have an equal mirror string descending/ascending in the opposite direction, or a counter/negative, going down when you are going up
The initial sequence, continues:
Denotes possessive of the secondary, or negative counter
15 and 16
Position within cycles. As it passes away from, and as it passes in to
17 and 18
Perception of past. Perception of future
These degrees, again, are relative within both linear sequence, as well as phased reflection. Degrees like 17 and 18, if applied to a second person, would also be said to hold the same meaning as 7 and 8 for the first person. If the perception of these degrees, originated from the first person
This phase, again, extends to the 3rd person, non-possessive, as well as collective (27 and 28)
Even though degrees like 17, 18, 27 and 28, also carry their own individual meanings
“the car is parked (7) out the front (8)”. If you are talking about your own car
“the car is parked (17) out the front (18)”. If you are talking about your friends car
“the car is parked (27) out the front (28)”. If you are talking about a strangers car. Or, if you are addressing someone non-specific, or a group of people
As far as I can tell (without being a Freemason to know intimately what
they are taught) within Freemasonry the primary sequence aligns to
Illumination something like this:
Self (1 – 12)
Dimensional relation (13 – 22)
Perception (23 – 32)
*Perception meaning the ability to reflect and understand, from the mirroring of self, and equalisation of cause-effect between self, and its reflection upon the world)
33rd seems to be any form of seat, or throne, upon which one forms equalisation from the source, to self (or the alignment of self) across all mediums
33, being seen as equal in negative/positive duality, to 0
At least, I am guessing that this is the purpose of the 33 degrees, because it fits and makes sense within the Illuminated understanding
Except that within our understanding, 0 only exist as the contrary “container” to seat the seemingly infinite nature of our number system, as its opposite
In my understanding 33 can only act as a gateway, of sorts, as the degrees within the 30's for the Illuminated, represent the gateway medium
The course of path from source of creation (North), across the centres of gravity
For instance, the 36th degree. Which means “gravity” and aligns to the pentagram symbol, which contains angles of 36 degrees within it
The pentagram as a symbol, represents gravity
30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
90 – 99: Expansion of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)
These numbers keep going, at least into the millions, as far as I can tell by the subsequent layers above the externalised body form (Earth)
Though, I have not seen much point in going into them that far
Everything beyond this is merely a macro/microcosm extension of the sequence from the primary individual
If you know the basic sequence, you know (basically) how it will work in all higher, or lower forms of that sequence
Hope this helps, and was not too long for this thread
Sorry if there are any mistakes in it, I have only given it a quick once-over revision. Typing this has been depleting the very little energy and motivation I have. It's taken me days
As far as a name for an internet forum, 33 actually works pretty well
The best way to think of the number 3, is as being the barrier between internal/external, which acts as the point of balance and equilibrium
If 1, is the centre. And 2, is the outside. 3, would be the in between
So 33 works perfectly for any type of aligned gateway or conduit, such as a person to their online pseudonym
Also, incidentally. I messed up the list of degrees in my last post. Left out 80-89
It should have been:
30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
80 -- 89: Expansion of form
90 – 99: Definition of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)
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