Illuminated Initiation And Ascension


 Illuminated Initiate Post

There seems to be some confusion on here about the difference between the “Illuminated” and those of orders such as the Freemasons. So I thought I would write this to clarify a few things, for those who are interested

First and most importantly, it is “Illuminated”. Not “Illuminati”

The championed Bavarian term “Illuminati” is not used by any of the real Illuminated order

It is, however, used to target a collective fear and mistrust towards the real Illuminated order

The Illuminated order, is also very different from the Freemasons. Which is diametrically opposed in many ways, which make the two incompatible with each other

This means, you will never find a member of the Illuminated amongst the Freemasons. Nor vice versa

The Illuminated order was around long before the Freemasons. As with the relief above, with shows an Illuminated initiate sitting on the throne of the “temple of Solomon”, addressing the 3 aspects of self (which correlate with the Freemasons “entered initiate, fellowcraft and master mason”)

What is being taught in this depiction correlates directly with understanding taught in the ancient Egyptian incarnation of the Illuminated order, where “Ra", hieroglyph ⊙, is understood to mean "mind"

They, and other Illuminated orders, understood, that there is no difference between the sun in the sky, and the conscious mind within your body

When you look up at the sun, you are looking at yourself, looking down

This is why the beholder is shown upon the throne, above the throne holding the sun, and also presenting the sun on a altar in front of him

The 3 different aspects of self, as depicted reflecting back. Symbolic of the phased nature of the physical conscious mind, as it is exists within a reflection of itself, within the collective consiousness

The Egyptian equivalent of this teaching, has a pyramid, with an "all-seeing" eye within it

The teachings themselves, are not the key to becoming one of those known as the Illuminated

As there is a very big difference between knowing and understanding

Illumination itself, comes through many years of very deliberate experiences

That which cannot be administered by the hands of men, or orders within them such as religion and Freemasonry

Notice the dressing is made of water? This is important. It means he is an initiate of the “underworld”. Ill explain why later in this post

The one of the three with water dressing, is equivalent of the Freemason “Entered initiate”. Which again, is supposed to symbolise one who has traversed inwards through the underworld

Within all ancient Illuminated orders, including the version which still exists today, water is used as to depicted the underworld

A common religious version of the initiation process which still exists today, is baptism. Which imitates Illuminated initiation into the underworld

The Freemason equivalent to the Illuminated process of entering the underworld to become and initiate, is rituals such as the chamber of reflection

Every Freemason teaching can be found in Illuminated orders which date back, long before the Freemasons existed. As with them changing the Egyptian Lady of the house/temple “Nephthys”, to their 8th degree male Intendant of the building

I have been through Illuminated initiation, and I am happy to explain it in as much detail I can, to whoever is interested

Contrary to popular belief, we are not sworn to secrecy. We simply limit our interactions with the world, due to the fact that there is very little we can “teach” people that they would understand (or believe), without having experienced very particular things for themselves

Having said that, I am happy to explain the initiation process here, to clear up a little bit of confusion which surrounds the real modern incarnation of the Illuminated order

Freemasonry imitates the Illuminated order and their teachings. But we are very different to them

No Freemason, 33rd degree or otherwise, is initiated into the Illuminated. It is not possible, when you understand the process of Illuminated initiation and ascension

Firstly, you need to understand the basics of what real “Initiation” and “Ascension” actually are

These are the two parts of what is referred to as “Illumination”

The first part, “Initiation” is the descent. The “Lesser mysteries” in the Eleusinian version of Illumination. Depicted in Sumerian Illumination, as fish people, or fishermen, as fish are internalised of the lower waters. As with the people wearing water in the depiction above, or others with fish swimming inwards towards their centre

It is also where Piscean reference to the "fisherman" come from, within modern religious tales of the Illuminated process

Something oddly aligned, when you understand how vastly wrong the Biblical translations are

They are so wrong, that they have almost come full circle, to being close to right, in many ways

The word “Initiation” literally means, “to go/pass into”. It is used to describe someone who turns inwards into the underworld, to undergo a purgatory process, which will strip them of all negativity, emotion, pain and fear

To become one of the Illuminated order, or a true initiate in any sense of the word, you need to have passed into “the underworld”. Which means you need to have physically died

Your heart needs to have physically stopped

Within modern religion, people are plunged into water, symbolising being reborn

Within the Freemasons, they do this symbolically, in a ritual where a person enters a darkened “chamber of reflection”, symbolic of the underworld journey, where they contemplate things such as their own mortality, character and past deeds. Ending with them being symbolically “reborn” under the Rooster (bird of ascension)

In the Illuminated order, we do not do this ritual “symbolically”

We die. For real. Physically

And if we are deemed worthy, and are able to be revived, we become what is referred to as an “initiate”

Our mind is connected to the underworld and we are said to have one eye open, in the real waking world, and one eye closed, in the underworld

It is not until many years later, that the initiate will come to understand exactly what the underworld is. It is not something that I will speak on, as it is something which needs to be experienced, to be understood

But to enter the underworld (close one eye), you cannot simply have someone stop your heart and then revive you

It must be done for the right reasons. Selflessly, for love, and the greater good

It is not something which can be faked, or aligned with those who are unworthy, or unready for such things

If you try enter for personal gain, curiousity, or simply to be part of something like the Illuminated order, you will not survive

Both eyes will close, and you will go on "the long walk"

The Illumination process cannot be faked. Nor can it be carried out ritually by men, or their orders

Which is why groups such as the various religions and Freemasons, can only imitate the process

Because the very nature and structure of their society, and their intent, means they would not survive the process if they tried enter for real

I have been through this process. More than once

In my first experience, I killed myself in order to prevent others being hurt because of me

My dying, was the only way I could think of to stop something very bad from happening to others, and ensure that they would all be safe

But I woke up, when I should have been dead

Something “brought me back”

I did not want, choose, or ask to be initiated. Something which, ironically, makes a perfect candidate for initiate

The gateway to this “underworld” is guarded by entities which manifest physically in this world as orbs of light. Like a ball of fire, or “burning bush”, if you like

This is, very literally, where the term “Illuminated” comes from

These “gatekeepers” decide who is allowed to pass through the underworld and return to the waking world, and who simply dies

They ensure only certain people are allowed to become initiates

Without having being initiated under these very literal "lights", you are not a member of the real Illuminated order

Again ...

Entry cannot be cheated. Nor can it be granted by any “order of man”

You are either considered worthy as an individual soul, or you are not

If you survive, in your years long journey through the underworld which follows, you are considered both alive and dead at the same time

A hermit like Odin. With one eye open in the real world, one eye closed in the underworld

The open eye, the sun
The closed eye, your internal mind

In the years that follow you are purged of all negative emotion, fear and pain

You face every demon

Or you quit, concede to a religion and ask to be saved

The Eleusinian version of this process is detailed in the labours of Hercules

The 3 main stages of purge in all versions of Illumination, correspond to the 3 main degrees of Freemasonry, as well as Rosicrucianism

They are:

  1. Catharsis. Which is mind in Rosicrucian, or the entered initiate in Freemasonry
  2. Purification. Which is heart (emotion) in Rosicrucian, or fellowcraft in Freemasonry
  3. Cleansing. Which is stomach (body) in Rosicrucian, or the master mason in Freemason

After you have experienced death and completed your initiation purge, you begin a long process known as “ascension”, which is “the ascent”. The Greater mysteries in Eleusinian. Those depicted by the Sumerians as Bird people

Ascension literally means, “to go/pass out from”

This is why the Freemasons use the Rooster, at the end of their chamber of reflection

During the many years of the ascension process process that follows, initiates will suffer more emotional, physical and mental torture, than most normal people will suffer in their entire lifetime

They will also suffer some type of illness, or physical affliction

Something which may not be able to be diagnosed or cured by modern medicine

Something which may end up killing them

If they do succumb to their affliction, to be pulled back to the underworld, they become what is referred to as “fallen”

This is a direct counter of the process of entering the underworld

You give up light, to enter darkness

So too, do you need conquer darkness, when you try re-enter light

Something strange happens to your body when you complete initiation, pass through the underworld, to try ascend back into the waking world

You bring back a light within you, that very few have in this world

Something that is not worth trying to explain, unless you have experienced it, or are someone who has entered into initiation themselves

Freemasons imitate this process, and the teachings associated with it, but I assure you, that none of them are Illuminated

Things like Freemasonry and religion are what is referred to as path of order

Which is very different from path of light/love

The story of Hiram Abiff is about how and why the Freemasons created their “own version” of the degrees of perception

A version of the Illuminated teachings that was carried to them by the Knights Templar, but they have never properly understood

Djed of P’tah literally means, Degrees of perception

The same P’tah as Peter in the Biblical texts. Which does not refer to a physical or historical person

The Egyptian symbol, has a very specific meaning attached to each level of Dimension attached to it

In Eleusinian, dimension is Demeter

Kore her daughter is centre, or nucleus

Hades is radius. Hence his association with the internal underworld

When Kore descends. She must then ascend back, in balance

When she does, she becomes Persephone, which is perception

Same as P'tah and Peter

The story tells of the how a sphere, torus or cell, is manifested within a closed cyclic world

It also explains the creation of a sine wave, from internal/external forces

Which is detailed in Revelation. A book about spectrum and frequency, of things such as light and sound

In Egyptian principles of frequency are divided into internal and external, with Isis and Osiris

Osiris is Oscillation

Isis is resonance, and correlates with Emotion and Jesus

Compare the stories of Kore/Persephone and her resurrection, with that of Jesus

They both tell of how emotional conscious and perception, is manifested within close cyclic systems, based on Equilibrium (El'ohim) within a Torus (Torah)

All the mythologies and Biblical texts tell of the principles of things like biology and geometry, when they are properly translated and correlated

I won’t go much into this, other than to say that the Biblical Torah refers to the geometric shape, the Torus

Genesis details the internal aspects

Exodus details the external aspects, as they are passed out from the centre

Leviticus details the leavening, in between

Then we have primary sequence, numbers (Numbers)

Then we have the secondary sequence, Deuteronomy (Words)

The Knights Templar had a version of our original degree system, that they passed down

But they did not understand the primary sequence (numbers) well enough, to pass down the original teachings linking to the source of creation, which is written into the very symbols we use for numbers themselves

All they had was allegory and stories based upon the primary sequence, through translation. This is what is referred to as secondary sequence (words)

It is very hard, if not impossible, to translate texts written on concepts and topics you do not fully understand

The decay in the Freemasonry texts and teachings, is the very same as that which is found in the modern Biblical and mythological translations

They know the texts and teachings are not correct. But none amongst them has the ability to correct them

In the Illuminated teachings,

Primary sequence (Numbers) are considered Creation

Secondary sequence (Words) are considered Decay

The reason being, that the numerical sequence does not end. It simply gets incrementally larger and more complex, every time the string reaches its completion

This links numbers, and the meaning of their symbols, very directly to the source of creation, light and the “ever expanding” physical universe

The secondary sequence however, is limited character set, based on a finite number of understandable combinations

Words are a subset sequence, relative to numbers, which limit the world, to a pattern of decay, when compared to numbers

The ever increasing numerical sequence, makes our word and letter sets, comparatively smaller, and smaller, and less complex, with each incarnation

The soul works in the same way. Intelligence works the same way. The conscious mind works the same way

Everything linked to the primary sequence within creation, has the ability to grow infinitely more complex

Everything limited to the secondary sequence within decay, is subject to become gradually less restrictive to the true nature of our being

Freemasons are secondary sequence. The same as any religion, or system based on language based text

Illuminated are primary sequence. We can read numbers, as if they are words

We understand how everything in this world applies to the primary sequence

We see it fluidly, in everything we do, every day

And this is only beginner level understanding

We can tell you exactly what this world is

Freemasons may be able to tell you exactly “what” Solomon’s temple is, but they do not understand it

Most of them are not even aware that “initiation” is only half of the process, and that you need to go through “ascension” afterwards

Because, none of them are real initiates to begin with

They mean well, and for the most part they are good and honourable people

But do not confuse them with the Illuminated order

We are very different, diametrically opposed orders


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