13 Illuminated Commandments

1 - Mind - Sun - Thought
The only thing you will ever know for certain in this world is that you exist

2 - Heart - Moon - Emotion
Everything else is up for debate

3 - Body - Earth - Name
Personal belief is not the same as knowing

4 - Effigy - Mars - Numbers
Respect the Earth and cycles, through which you are able to exist

5 - Honour that which is given within these cycles, to be passed down and shared by all

6 - Respect all life

The only thing that will ever be known for certain in this world, is that you exist

Everything else is up for debate

Personal belief is not the same as knowing

There is that which is seen and known

And that which is yet to come forth or be known

We are those who go forth

To make determinations on such things

And serve the environment and processes within which, such things can come to be

To invest in
To know
And be with

To be known
One to another

11 - Thou shalt not destroy or make half, that which God designed to be whole. Or take what is anothers by right

12 - Thou shalt not exploit others, be it of their own kindness or weakness. Nor the systems of this world

13 - Thou shalt not detract from another's experience of things such as life, love or liberty. Nor detract from the shared beauty of this world


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