TITLE: Conciliatory (candidate for initiation)
STAGE: Uninitiated
ROOT: World (linear existence)
PROCESS: Awakening

A person becomes aware of the veil of reality. Or, aware of themselves and their place within it

A person experiences a change in their world view, has a life changing event that alters their perception of the world, or otherwise develops a need to find some type of greater fulfilment and/or purpose within the world. Experiencing some type of linear disparity. Feeling at odds with themselves, the world around them, or the way things are in general. Linear disparity which can lead to social or mental disparity such as paranoia, depression, anger, violence, or other states of disharmony

Important prerequisites for initiation are established

Psychological barriers, in circumstances such as trauma, may need to be determined and consciously addressed in some type of therapy, in order to make someone suitable for initiation, prior to commencing

This can form part of an extended process of catharsis, purification and cleansing, which works with initiation

Think of it in the same context, that some types of wounds require immediate attention and surgery first

Likewise, many may not be ready to open themselves or their wounds. In which case they are also unsuitable for initiation

This may commonly be a simple product of age

Some people need to live their mistakes first, to work out who they want to be, which can simply take time and age

TITLE: Neophyte
STAGE: Initiate of the heart (1st Purge)
ROOT: Waters (source of creation)
PROCESS: Catharsis

A person becomes aware of self

A person becomes aware of the nature of their primal base urges, impulses and instincts. They recognise that they have been living reactively, lead by the world and their emotions. Recognising and measuring these urges, impulses and instincts, opens them to understanding of pain they have caused themselves and others

Catharsis requires the initiate to make amends (Amen) for the actions of their past. To themselves and others, to the best of their ability, in whatever way is possible

Contrition needs to be genuine and heartfelt, as does the efforts to make amends, or initiation cannot proceed. This process cannot be faked, or bypassed. Nor can any further doors be opened, without first opening these doorways to the root of internal pain and suppressed emotions, in order to understand actions and habits associated with such pains and emotion

Fallen initiates from this stage, are considered to be like unripened fruit. Not yet in their season. These initiates are offered alignment to what is referred to as the "Path of order". "Path of order" is a term given to any system promoting connection to creative essence or source through a house, church, group, or societal order. This includes religion, spirituality, societies such as Freemasonry, based on the illuminated degrees of perception. Or even belief in systems such as Governments, or higher and more advanced species or civilizations, such as aliens, which can bring the order (or the promise of such order) that the individual is unready, unwilling, or unable to perceive themselves, for them

The path of order is for all those who are waiting to be saved, by someone or "something" else, God or otherwise, without concern for their individual power to save themselves

Generally speaking:

Initiates who understand the primary truth, proceed with illumination

Initiates subject to personal belief, are offered a path of order


2. Neocoris (craftsman/disciple); Air, 'eve'
TRANSFIGURATION-Purification of the mind. Development of understanding and mastery of thoughts.

0. Aspirant (candidate for admission); earth
PREPARATION-purification of the body and development over control over physical appetites. Preliminary testing in emotional response, intelligence, will power and obedience.

1. Pastophoris (apprentice/Neophyte); water, 'amen'
BAPTISM-Purification of the emotions. Development of love and mastery of the emotions.

2. Neocoris (craftsman/disciple); Air, 'eve'
TRANSFIGURATION-Purification of the mind. Development of understanding and mastery of thoughts.

3. Melanophoris (Master/Initiate); Fire, 'M.C.M.'
CRUCIFIXION-Development and mastery of the will power and ability to act in service in any conditions of life. Experience of humility, death and the underworld.

4. Chistophores (arch mason /adept); Earth, 'ioa'
RESURRECTION- Emergence into a higher life and consciousness. Defeat and mastery of all self illusion and vanity (Gorgon). Investment with the powers and attributes of an adept.

5. Balahate (Philosopher/master); Water, "Chymia"
ASCENSION-Defeat and mastery of the Typhonic energies of life. Mastery of the processes of life (Alchemistry)

6. Maawr (seer/priest); Air, "Ibis"
UNIFICATION- "astronomer before the gates of the gods." Discovery and knowledge of the Divine principles and their spiritual plan.

7. Saphenath Pancar (prophet/illuminated one)
ENTHRONEMENT- "The man who knows the mysteries" Full illumination and unification with divinity.

Arcadia by Peter Dawkins 


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